

A screenshot of the Baldur's Gate Wiki page for Game_source_files/IDS/GENDER, with a list of genders including 1 MALE, 2 FEMALE, 3 OTHER, 4 NIETHER, 5 BOTH, 6 SUMMONED, 7 ILLUSIONARY, 8 EXTRA, 9 SUMMONED_DEMON, 10 EXTRA2 through 18 EXTRA10, and 66 IMPRISONED_SUMMONED.
A screenshot of a website form with fields for "Do you have a Teacher Number", "First Name", etc, including a gender field with select options of "Male", "Female", "Maleale", "Maler"
A screenshot of a web form with a field for "Gender" and select options for "F", "M", "Male", "Female", "Famale", "Felmale", "High School visit on March 17", "Gender", "International High School Visit at Ho Chi Minh City at March 19"
International High School Visit at Ho Chi Minh City at March 19