

A screenshot of an online form with a "Gender" field which can be toggled between "Man," "Woman," "Non-Binary," "Prefer to self-describe (please specify)," and "Prefer not to answer." The text box next to "Prefer to self-describe" shows an error message reading, "Please enter a valid US state name or abbreviation."
A valid US state name or abbreviation
A screenshot of a Google Form with the question "What do you identify as?" with options "Prefer not to say", "Other", "Female", "Male". "Female" is the correct answer.
A screenshot of an online form with a "Gender" field which can be selected between "Male", "Female", and "Opt Out".
Opt Out
A screenshot of an online form with a "Gender" field which can be toggled between "Female" and "Male". "Female" is currently selected, and below the field there is an error message in red text that reads "Please select a valid option."
A valid option